SeFF Mini – Knighthood Workshops vol.2

Szczecin Film Festival 2021: 17.10.2021, Sunday, 16:00
INKU Inkubator Sektorów Kreatywnych, al. Wojska Polskiego 90 (Gdzie to jest?)
Blok tematyczny: SeFF Mini '21 Multimedia Festival October

Knighthood workshops “Poland today, Poland in the Age - a Tradition Shown in the Film” strengthen the cultural and national identity, relating to historical events in a creative way. During the workshops we will familiarize ourselves with the term “historical reenactment” – we will observe how the olden days are portrayed in the media and in film, and we will learn the goal and shape of “experimental archaeology.” We will compare medieval fighting in fiction film with real historical fighting. We will learn how people used to dress and find out how honor and tradition were reflected in duels. Th e program of knighthood workshops also includes practical activities based on historical sources – we will be learning three basic sword-shield steps. Workshops for primary school students conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.

Krzyżacy, D: A. Ford, 1960, 166’, POL

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