SeFF Mini – Panel “New Media – Children and Youth”

Szczecin Film Festival 2021: 17.10.2021, Sunday, 12:00
ONLINE, (Gdzie to jest?)
Blok tematyczny: SeFF Mini '21 Multimedia Festival October

The Autumn edition of SeFF MINI includes a discussion panel hosted by specialists in new technologies, as well as psychology and therapy, which is addressed to the project team, is an attempt to consider the needs of children and youth in the times of the new media, the possibilities they give to the young generation and the threats connected to their overuse. We will take a critical perspective on today’s applications and Internet platforms, many of which are of low artistic, substantive or educational value, while being available to all users regardless of their age. We will focus on media education. In our discussion we will spend a lot of time on the educating young people when it comes to the right reception and use of media and modern technologies in the learning process, as well as developing passions and interests. We will also talk about the issue of behavioral addictions and the ways to prevent them. The panel will take place online.

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