Awards Ceremony

Ceremonia wręczenia nagród podczas Szczecin European Film Festival odbędzie się w nowo otwartej siedzibie Filharmonii im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie. Ceremonię poprowadzi znany szczeciński aktor, muzyk, poeta i człowiek kultury – Konrad Pawicki. W programie ogłoszenie wyników Konkursu Europejskiego i Polskiego, wręczenie nagród oraz prezentacja fragmentów nagrodzonych filmów. W drugiej części uroczystości, w ramach punktu programu Filmowy Wymiar Dźwięku, odbędzie się projekcja filmu „Chopin – the space concert” oraz spotkanie z reżyserem Adamem Ustynowiczem.

Konrad Pawicki 

Born 29.07.1968 in Wrocław. Studied acting at PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków, Wrocław Branch. Actor, singer, radio presenter, poet, lyricist, translator, journalist, director. Has been working since 1990 with Teatr Współczesny in Szczecin. In 1992 he started working as a presenter for Radio AS, and since then one could listen to his voice in different radio stations in Szczecin. In 2001 he started working for Polish Radio Szczecin, where he has had his morning broadcast Studio Bałtyk for 10 years. Currently he is one of the hosts of Zawsze po 18 program in TVP Szczecin. Since 2014 he has been running the Co słychać? program in Radio Stargard. He has also worked with Opera i Operetka, Klub 13 Muz, Piwnica przy Krypcie at the Pomeranian Dukes' Castle in Szczecin. In the 2003/2004 season he became the artistic director of the Piwnica przy Krypcie comedy stage.


The cinematic dimension of sound

“Let's set the hurdles as high as possible when our dreams are concerned. I wanted to shoot a film in outer space. Open up young eyes to Earth's beauty, and young hearts to Chopin's music. I made it! After all, dreams are there to come true” - Adam Ustynowicz.

Can you imagine a better place to listen to Chopin than a panoramic dome hung in between the black void of space and a blue planet where life was born? Does classical music from over 200 years ago suit space technology? On February 8th 2010 at 4:14 AM, the fiery braid of the launched shuttle illuminated Cape Canaveral like a giant torch. After eight and a half minutes the astronauts, freed from the chains of Earth's gravity, could see our planet for the first time. The mission of the Endeavour also had a very Polish, romantic accent; colonel pilot George Zamka's personal baggage carried an extraordinary souvenir from Poland, the country of his ancestors.


Chopin the Space Concert

An encounter with pure beauty – an experience that is indescribable in words, yet is best expressed through the music of Chopin.

The crew of Endeavour and the International Space Station took every spare moment to shoot HD footage inspired by the music of Chopin. On the mission's tenth day, the windows were opened for the first time. The astronauts witnessed a breathtaking view of our planet. Upon the shuttle's return, NASA made the video and photo materials available to Adam Ustynowicz – initiator and producer of the film. After over two years of work and complementing the film with material shot by ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli, as well as subsequent shuttle and ISS expeditions, the film had its première. On December 10th 2012 the film received the Grand Prix at the Monaco International Film Festival, and on June 17th 2013 it was screened during the conference of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. In 2015 the film will have a chance to become the symbol of the International Year of Light, celebrated under the patronage of UNESCO.




Adam Ustynowicz 

Producer and film director, expert on spreading knowledge about new technologies and their influence on the broadly-understood civilisational environment – both natural and cultural. Author of over 200 films and television programs in the field of the development of information society, space research, and natural environment protection. Producer of campaigns supporting important social goals in these fields. Promoter of the work of Stanisław Lem, astronautics, and the history of Polish aviation.