
The jury changes each year, but the principle remains: the jury members represent a wide range of professions associated with film art. That means, naturally, filmmakers, but also producers, film school lecturers, festival organisers, and critics. As is tradition, the laureate of last year's edition is invited to join the jury. In past years, the documentary films of dokumentART have been judged (among others) by the documentary filmmakers Paweł Łoziński, Rainer Komers, Piotr Stasik, Jan Gogola; film critic Jakub Socha; and critic, freelance director and producer Shaheen Dill-Riaz.



Pamela Cohn / US
Afarin Eghbal / UK
Riho Vastrik / LT
Birgit Glombitza / DE
Bartosz Żurawiecki / PL