Crossing the Boundaries – Tomasz Raczek & Bartosz Wójcik

Szczecin European Film Festival 2016: 20.10.2016, Thursday, 20:00
Radio Szczecin, Aleja Wojska Polskiego 73 (Gdzie to jest?)
Blok tematyczny: Crossing the Boundaries – Tomasz Raczek & Bartosz Wójcik '16

Together with Tomasz Raczek and Bartosz Wójcik we will discuss the constantly disappearing boundary between film and other branches of visual art forms, as well as new paths of technological development. The festival audience will, among other things, have a chance to: go on a virtual trip around Hieronymus Bosch's 15th-century painting, take on the role of a TV presenter in a 3D studio, and create their own hologram.

Admission 10 zł


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